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Showing posts from December, 2014

Community, PTO, and Holidays 2014

For any teacher or parent who has been involved in PTO projects you'll know all about the good, the bad, and the ugly. This holiday season we has some of each. The school fundraiser happen in conjunction with a thanksgiving banquet. I was so pleased with how our PK cut paper mural turned out. I'll put that in the good category. The Christmas play and party followed closely behind the Thanksgiving party, which I'll put in the ugly category. The kids all did wonderful work, but the level of exhaustion was so obvious. My dearest wish and big piece of advice is to space out big celebration events for the sanity of both kids and parents. But as a smart person I know often says "done is good." And so it is. Happy holiday season to all, and to all (teachers) a nice rest!

H is for House

This H House went along perfectly with our community project. As we move forward I'm planning on integrating more cutting for half of the group. Fine motor skills are coming along nicely.

I is for Iguana

Moving right along with our capital I, iguanas. The kids are loving this center and easily making the choice to do their collage pieces without any reminders. Hooray!

On the Outside, Looking In

This scene took place outside of my house last night and I dreamed about what the tarantula was thinking. I thought this photo would make a great writing prompt.