In my experience most teachers have embraced their inner nerd. I certainly have! One of my current school's core values is to be a life long learner. We've been exploring the core values during morning assembly and it got my wheels spinning. Of course I'm a life long learner, just look at my iPod play list! As a professional educator I read several early childhood publications, and follow several educational forums and iTunes U segments. But I consider that to be a basic level of professionalism, it doesn't reach too deeply into the essence of nerd. My husband and I run or go for walks almost every evening after dinner, and during this time we listen to podcasts. Each of us in our own worlds of specific interests, happy to observe nature and listen to different topics of interest. So my top, most favoured podcasts in no particular order are: The First World War in 261 weeks Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine Mike and Tom Eat Snacks Dan Carlin'...